Our brand
RAYDIANT (noun) - is the quality of being bright and sending out rays of light.
The sun radiates light, and bright objects that give off light rays have a quality called radiance.
Radiance in a person is a type of glowing: either from a light source like the sun or a healthy, beaming person. A sign of radiance in someone is usually happiness, joy or good health. We refer to their “glow” as radiance. Radiance can also be defined as the joy or positive energy a genuinely happy and fulfilled person would emit.
WELLNESS (noun) - is the act of practicing healthy habits every day to attain better physical and mental health outcomes. When we adopt a well-being attitude and instate these practices in our lives daily, we shift from simply surviving through life, to thriving in life. Eating well, moving our bodies, and mindfulness practices, all contribute to one’s overall well-being.
Our name RaYdiance Wellness - emphasis on the Y – is a “labour of love” manifested by founder Ray Erasmus, to help others find their inner radiance on their journey to being well. Being well should start with, and always come back to your WHY. So, while the tangible outcome may be to feel at peace, eat healthier, to look more youthful, the emphasis must always be on the Y. The Y is your compass, the Y will show you how you need to get there, at Raydiance Wellness, we will walk with you to achieve the tangible outcomes you aim to achieve, by taking your Y and into account, and mapping out HOW and WHAT you will need in order to get there. We will be your Rays of Light!
Raydiance Wellness – Awakening you!
Our founder
RAYDIANCE WELLNESS STUDIO was born out of love for me, others like me, and the sheer desire to serve humanity and help human beings RAY.DIATE their light.
I faced many painstaking years battling Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), an incurable disease plaguing millions of women all over the world. Diagnosed in 2006, my journey with PCOS wreaked havoc in my life manifesting in weight gain, severe cystic acne, metabolic syndrome, excess face and body hair, pigmentation, excessively high cortisol levels due to stress, adrenal fatigue, as well as a never-ending cycle of depression. And these are only a few PCOS symptoms I mention here, there is still a host of others far too many to mention.
I spent nearly two decades in search of a “cure” for my disease. Having experimented with various pharmaceutical drugs under the guidance of specialist doctors, had several critical operations, undergone treatment to conceive, and numerous dermatological treatments to help me with my skin. While some of the treatments helped, the side effects of the medication were far more severe than the symptoms of the disease itself.
In more recent years, I decided to take a natural approach to my health, following numerous failed attempts with doctors and specialists in the war against my PCOS and my last critical operation. I chose alternative doctors and specialists and shifted my attention to healing my body naturally. Using a range of natural healing modalities, positive shifts began to be evident. Timely menstruation has become the norm for me now - a foreign construct for most of my adult life. I’ve managed to lose some weight and while I’m no size 6, I’m able to maintain it because I understand my body better now. I’m happier and joyful, my stress levels have reduced, and I’ve eliminated my depression completely and no longer use meds to manage it. It was important for me to understand the biology of my body, and the reasons why this disease had gripped me and didn’t seem to want to let go. I needed to understand this body my soul called home - the one I was spending all of my life in.
While my war against PCOS is merely a single aspect of my life’s wellness journey, it certainly is one of the primary reasons I decided to step out and help others like me who suffer silently. It was evident, that all I had learned, in what seemed like a constant war with my body, has a greater purpose. I’ve met the most beautiful souls along the way, each with their own story, fighting their own war. I’ve appreciated every single encounter as it has empowered me in more ways than one. This knowledge that I now have only has power if it is to be shared with other men and women, who battle diseases of any kind.
Disease is by no means due to any immediate external injury. DIS-EASE lives within us for very long periods as a result of a traumatic experience, until we experience its symptoms. We need to understand the role that we play in this dis-ease. That we are not victims of it, and that we do not have to be held hostage by it. We play a monumental role in the co-creation of our dis-ease, and I am enjoying uncovering my role and accountability in my own well-being. You can too!
There is a grave need for education on the metaphysics of dis-ease, and whilst the best approach is a holistic one, it certainly makes the path less traveled a little easier by having help along the way. I am not a medical doctor, and none of the treatments provided at Raydiance Wellness Studio will be administered under the supervision of one. I am however a curious mind and critical thinker. We are blessed with a plethora of resources at our disposal. At Raydiance Wellness Studio we take the time to understand your personal journey and design a healing path based on what you need. We will meet you where you are and walk with you as you uncover the truth of yourself. The healing modalities we practice are the very same I use for myself and my loved ones. These will empower you to take your healing into your hands and will stay with you forever. What you will learn is how to heal your life. When you heal, your family and those around you will heal and this butterfly effect will bring healing to the world and lays the foundation for A New Earth.
Go with love and light!
Ray Founder: Raydiance Wellness Studio
M: +27659660952