Hello, I’m Ray!
Ray of Light to some and Ray of Sunshine to others! Welcome to Raydiance Wellness Studio, a manifestation of my journey to becoming well. It is my labour of love, radiating my light into the world and I’m overjoyed to share it with you!
We have all endured trauma at some point in our lives. Some of us never truly heal from it and simply self-destruct through life, becoming prisoners of the dark night of the soul. Others choose to rise above it. They become the way-finders, the ones who dare to be brave and make peace with their darkness. Like them, I have fully fallen in love with all of my shadow parts which was no easy feat, and I do so more and more with each passing day.
I am determined not to spend another day striving to survive my sexual trauma. Now, I strive to thrive and rise above it all, with deep love and compassion for myself and other beings, by making a difference in humanity. My purpose in this lifetime is to serve others like me, with the hope to heal the world. I dream of living on a new earth. One with less fear, less pain, and less dis-ease. One with more joy, more pleasure, and more adventure and play. One where radiance is so infectious it will cure any heartache, any dis-ease, and any pain. Raydiance Wellness Studio is a culmination of all things beautiful and radiant in my journey to being well and I’d like to share it with you.
I’ve dedicated nearly two decades of my life to uncovering how to live my life well. Raised in a society where wellness is an unknown construct, I didn’t know better but to walk the same path as my ancestors for the former part of my life, despite every fiber of my being screaming at me in dispute. But listening to this inner knowing would mean I would have to step outside of everything I had ever known if I were to discover what it would reveal. We're often referred to as the "Black Sheep of the family". We don't follow the rules bestowed upon us because we are destined for things we have yet to understand ourselves. But we know, deep down, we know, so we follow the call.
I would have to submit willfully to the calling of the Divine and trust in full faith that I was being led into a world that would serve my highest good. I would have to go, alone. Scary? - of course! Challenging? – absolutely! Afraid? – yes at first, but no more! It’s led me right here to share with you all that I have learned and experienced in my journey from the most well-versed teachers and healers, all holding space for me to heal with so much love and compassion. I knew unconditional love existed, especially from complete strangers, yet there it was in abundance.
I’ve been so blessed to explore the world and partake in various spiritual wellness practices, which lead me to certify as a Spiritual Coach. My spiritual practices are instrumental to my well-being. This in turn has led me to explore alternative natural healing modalities ranging from Quantum Energy Healing, Reiki, Body Stress Release Therapy, Transcendental Meditation, and Trauma Release Exercises, as well as Energy and Crystal Healing, and a host of Mindfulness practices, to name a few. I have found a resounding sense of peace and gratitude being grounded in my spirituality and my renewed attitude to well-being. Not only am I feeling healthier than ever before, mentally, physically, and emotionally, but I have a new zest for life. I'm filled with gratitude and the clarity and calm mind I have helps me to navigate life with ease. I am far more resilient than I've ever been and I'm excited to live out the rest of my life with continued spiritual practice.
I am confident that when you and I meet, it is divinely orchestrated for us to journey together. The well-being of one woman or one man has a significant impact on their lives and the lives of their families. And so, therefore, I aim to meaningfully touch one soul at a time. While we may be starting off small, I have great confidence in the support of the universe and the positive impact we can have collectively as a society to grow in health and in well-being.
“If light is in your heart, you will find your way home.” - Rumi
If you feel called to explore a journey of self-discovery with me, feel free to reach out to me at raydiancews@gmail.com or +2765 966 0952 or https://calendly.com/raydiancews
With blessings, love and light